Dear Fine Wine Enthusiasts,

Due to the threat posed by the Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV, we have decided to cancel the March 2020 programme of The Fine Wine Experience Burghound Symposium. All ticket-holders will receive a full refund, and we will be in touch with you again soon about that.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience this cancellation may cause you. We share your disappointment, as the whole team, Allen and Erica, and many fine Burgundy producers have been very much looking forward to sharing this programme with you. You have been such a key part of this as our fine Burgundy education, dinner and gala programme has expanded in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai over these past five years. The 2020 programme ticket sales were very well supported by you and we thank you for the faith you have placed in us.

That made this decision a tough one, but the safety of everyone involved – the producers, speakers, The Fine Wine Experience team, and yours, is our top priority, and so must come first.

We hope to announce a revised programme for later in 2020, and we will keep you up to date with that.

We wish you good health and offer our best regards.


因受新型冠状病毒肺炎(2019-nCoV)的疫情影响,The Fine Wine Experience 凡荟 决定取消2020年3月的Burghound Symposium勃艮第研讨盛会活动。所有持票人将获得全额退款,有关退款事宜,我们将尽快与您联系。

对于活动取消而因此为您带来不便,我们深表歉意。TFWE整个团队丶Allen和Erica Meadows,以及各位勃艮第的庄主们,一直都非常期待能与您一同参与此盛会。

过去五年间我们於香港,北京和上海不断发展,举办众多大师班,晚宴及庆祝酒会,各位客户的支持已成为其中的关键部分,对於活动取消,我们同样感到失望。2020年的Burghound Symposium勃艮第研讨盛会 ,自公开售票以来得到各位的鼎力支持,TFWE团队感谢您对我们的信任。


随後我们希望能尽快宣布Burghound Symposium勃艮第研讨盛会的一些修订活动,将及时发布任何更新讯息,敬请留意。



Cancellation of The Fine Wine Experience Burghound Symposium 2020 | 有关取消2020年3月的Burghound Symposium勃艮第研讨盛会活动
Date Saturday 28 March 2020 - Sunday 29 March 2020
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